BustAName Just Got A Little Better
Posted By Ryan Stout on 02/17/2011
A frequent request is to be able to say that a group of words will only be used as the "first word" or the "last word" of the domain. Today that feature is live. You'll notice that the down arrow next to groups now shows a menu with "[x] first word", "[x] last word" (and "[x] middle word" if you have 3 word combine enabled) Simply uncheck one of those options if you don't want the words in that group to show up as the first, middle, or last word. This should be fairly strait forward if you are a frequent bustaname user. Expect to see updated video tutorials soon, most likely there will be a basic tutorial and an advanced tutorial. Please let me know if anyone is confused or finds any bugs.

New Tool: Domain Maker (for finding brandable domains)
Posted By Ryan Stout on 02/17/2011
The classic domain search tool bustaname offered is great for finding domains that are based on combination's of words (foursquare, facebook, etc..), which is a very common pattern for domains. However we noticed another pattern which is making domains out of fake (or very obscure) words. A few examples come to mind (google, yahoo, engadget, etc..) We decided that we needed a separate tool to find these kind of domains.
The new tool is called our "Domain Maker", and it uses the statistical properties of English (and other languages coming soon) to create fake words that read and sound like they could be real. The tool then checks the words to see which are available as domains and returns the results. To provide more customization, you can enter a word that you want the domain to start or end with. This is great for making up something that has the word you want in it, but is still available. So for example, if I enter blog, one of the first results I get is "blogograms.com".
The new tool is much simpler interface wise, but we think will be another powerful weapon in the domain search arsenal.
Give it a try here.

How to Make Brandable Domains
Posted By Ryan Stout on 02/17/2011
Brandable domains are all the rage now days. (google, yahoo, engadget, etc..) So what are the upsides, downsides, and things to consider when looking for a brandable domain?
First lets start with some of the upsides, generally brandable domains are:
- somewhat easy to remember
- make an impression
- available for purchase (this is the big selling point)
- are more bandable (obviously)
On the downside however, brandable domains generally:
- don't provide any keyword boost on search engine position
- can have unclear spellings
Brand strength is the real power of random word domains. Something like google is a great example because they could have bought something like search.com Initially having search.com would have given them some credibility as a company that can afford a good domain, but long term having google.com really paid off. The main reason is verbability (a word I made up). By that I mean the ability for a word to be made into a verb. This is one thing you want to look for in your brandable domain. "Googling" is in our every day vocabulary, and while only a few domains can make it into this class, seeing if it verbable, helps decide how easy people will remember it.

Three Years
Posted By Ryan Stout on 02/17/2011
Its hard to believe, but BustAName has been around for three years. While we can't tell how many domains have been found through us in that time, I can tell you its a lot.
We recently launched the Domain Maker and are hearing some great things about it. If you haven't yet, be sure to check it out.
Once we collect enough data, we will retune the paramaters on the domain maker and we expect to see a big improvement in quality on it.
While BustAName has steadily grown over the last three years, we don't want to let it go to our head. If you know how it can be improved, let us know. We're always looking for new ideas for better tools. Finding a domain is getting harder and harder and tools like BustAName are becoming more and more necessary.

Random Word of the Week - adminish
Posted By Ryan Stout on 02/17/2011
In an effort to promote the new Domain Maker, I'll be taking a random word it generates and making up a definition for the word. I noticed some of the results can be quite comical, so hopefully hilarity will ensue.
To rebuke someone for not understanding how to use their computer. (Typically coming from a system admin)
An example of adminishment can be seen here: